
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Season 4: Believix


  1. I rather like these new outfits. Musa's optical illusion wings are pretty cool, and it looks like Roxy is channeling Bloom's fist season outfit. Don't know if that's good or bad.

    But on the whole, I think it's pretty cool. Thanks for the pics!

  2. Feel free to take them...

  3. Notice Roxy's is much simpler than the other's. I wonder if the complexity of the outfit has anything to do with magical experiance?

  4. Interesting hypothesis... I suspect they get thier new outfits from those gold butterflies Faragonda showed them in the first episode. (Dang, I hope they translate that fourth season soon.)

  5. OOOOO!!!! I love their Believix outfits, Stella's looks like her enchantix outfit but way better!!!

  6. The Believix outfits are WAY better, as are all the season four outfits. This season, they actually change their cloths on a regular basis, rather than having only one outfit.

  7. The outfits each season get more complex; on the one hand, I suppose it has to do with their getting older and stronger (and better fashion sense?), but really, I think it's because the animators' computer technology is getting better and they can afford to have more detailed and complicated clothing.

  8. K they could of done soo much better with Tecnas, but Im not a fan of her sooo, lol, I <3 Musa (with her bf Riven), then Stella (with her bf Brandon), then Flora (with her bf Helia), Layla (with her bf Nabu), then Tecna (dont liike Timmy), then Bloom, and Roxxy.
    But <3 them all (but still <3 Musa more) lol!!!

  9. I wonder if Roxy will get a boyfriend?

  10. Stella: Is Andy a potential suitor?

    The only think I hate about these outfits or most of the outfits in the show in general is this: their heels are so freaking clunky. They're heavy-looking and they probably don't fold well when they're trying to move their feet in the basic motions.

  11. I'd love to have shoes like those!


    But I'm freakin' scary in heels.

    I call dibs on a Roxy/Andy fic!!!!!!! MYA-HAAHHAHA

  12. Isn't Andy the one thats hitting on Musa?? Back off Andy, Musa's Riven's...

  13. Andy's hitting on Bloom. And maybe Musa, too, I can't seem to remember. The guys should hook up with someone single, like Roxy.

  14. WAIT WAIT WAIT in the flirting cloumn of ur blog it says Musa+Andy??? Does that mean its wrong???

  15. If I wrote it down, it's probably true. My memory is weird in the sense that I can remember the tiniest details of my childhood, but if I go to remember something from a few weeks ago I draw a blank. Thanks for the reminder, lol.

  16. really andy mayb a friend but at the moment while musa and riven aren't doin 2 well rite now he needs 2 back off.

  17. i love the outfits but notice how flora has bigger and more detailed wings... also roxy's has no complection really they made it sooooo simple but bloom's and stella's and flora's arey fav they have come along way with tecna they is my fav with ner so far

  18. I totally love Bloom, Roxy and Layla's outfits and Flora's wings....

  19. wait, so taht picture of Roxy is her believix?! if yes, i thought she would have to go through the winx, charmix, and enchantix first!! is that true?!

  20. I would have loved to see her previous forms....

  21. Stella's and Bloom's believix outfit is sorta similar. Personally I like Flora's believix. That's just my opinion.

  22. I can't believe just over two years ago I was sitting in my striped armchair with my notebook (ah, my notebook. We used to be inseparable) and writing down all the names of the girls (along with their hair color for easy identification ;) ). I can't believe I've only known about this show for two years!

  23. I know just what you mean.

  24. Musa is my favorite and i love her believix!

  25. roxy's and bloom's wings are huge! speaking of huge, there is a HUGE amount of people who posted here! how do u attract so many people 2 ur blog?

  26. how did u find it here?

  27. I started watching this show 2 years ago too... = ) Wow what a cawincidince

  28. Bloom's and Stella's believix are sorta similar. I like Flora's believix too. I love winx club.

  29. Roxy's Believix is kinda bland beside the others, no?

  30. I don't understand why lots of people like Bloom's believix. It kind of looks like Stelle's.

  31. so what if it looks like stella's what, tecnacally bloom was the first one to be seen with believix so tecnically stella's looks like blooms and bloom is creative and cool but flora's is my fav and 2 more things i don't know why everyone loves musa's that much i mean the top is cool but the bottems are sotha weird and sorry one more thing if you put flora's season 1 wings on roxy's believix instead of her wings it would be a cool season 1 uotfit but as believix they should have made it more complex

  32. so you also think Bloom's and Stella's believix are sorta similar.

  33. back to the bf thing for roxy, i think she would be perfect for professor palladium, lol...

  34. Eww! He's so much older!

    No, we need someone Roxy's age.

  35. Exactly. but it would be funny to see Professor Palladium and roxy on a date.

  36. Professor Palladium <3 Roxy!
    how old is he anyway
    i tought like 24 or 26 years...

  37. I love these outfits . Like what Stella likes to call them is pocure

  38. bloom's flo's musa's and stell's (not in any order) are the best but tecna's has come a long way so let's all give a big shout out to tecna

  39. Sorry, but I dislike Bloom and Layla's a lot...i think they're ugly...just an opinion.

    My faves are Musa Tecna and Flora.........Flora always seems to get the best transformations for some reason...i loved her enchantix too

  40. i am with u on the flora thing she has always had a good transformation but u know this is the first non dress that flo has gotten

  41. I hate Roxy's and The All Real Numbers Symbol, I don't see the Bloom's 1st season outfit on Roxy! Aisha Layla's looks like a normal outfit O.O


  43. 2nd part of my post
    He s an elf so he's probably like 600 lol

  44. For those of you who are wondering about how the winx got new powers in season 4 because the Enchantix was supposed to be the last transformation, I have a theory.Ms. Faragonda said that Enchantix was the winx's last transformation before becomeing a "full fledged fairy" as in before being considered a true fairy. However she didn't say that it was their last transformation ever, it's just that once they achieved their enchantix powers they would be true fairies.That didn't mean they couldn't achieve more transformations and powers.

  45. Hmmm, I guess you could be right!

  46. I guessed that they just made a mistake. I mean, it happens a lot.

    Once Stella said that "Stella" was her "best friend".

  47. that's also a very good possibility

  48. I just love Stella's Believix! It looks awesome! How did Roxy get her Believix without getting a Charmix or anything anyways?

  49. Mitzi Is A Spoiled BratJuly 1, 2009 at 8:57 PM

    Stella's looks fabulous! Can anybody help me? I'm trying to make Stella's Believix the most voted for best believix so can you vote for her?

  50. Layla's Believix looks like a pajama so I don't like it

  51. Musa's and Tecna's look nice.

  52. huh?
    what does that means????????

  53. It means that she likes them. :)

  54. i also have a theory Ms.F only said enchantix was the last transfrormation because she never did know that there was the last fairy on earth because the belivix formation comes from people or who dont belive in magic so the belivix is there two help them see the light or at least see the magic that surronds them every where they are.Also belivix is beliving why else do you think there power gets stronger the more pepole in Gardina belivein magic.Have you heard the word (belive-belivix)almost identical to each other.

  55. Does anyone else think Bloom's and Stella's believix look similar.
    I luv Flora's believix!

  56. i dont know why but i like the enchantix outfit better. wait are bloom and sky still together.

  57. Yeah, Bloom and Sky are together. And they Enchantix outfits were WAY prettier!

  58. I like Layla's im a sucka for aqua outfits wait am i the ONLY one who likes Layla's and Roxy's??
    PS i made an amentia one

  59. But she's not a fairy....

    What does it look like?

  60. sorry but roxy's is slap down uuuggglllyyy... it looks like a season one outfit with bigger wings

  61. notice how they look more complicated now then they do in the show, like those lines on stella's shirt, u don't see they when watching the show

  62. Maybe she is a fairy? I saw her at The Ultimate Power Couple dancing in the background. My theory is that she is tutored or something but is a fairy.

  63. It's really ugly I'm trying to make a new one. I would send it in but my mom and dad won't allow me to send it in. It is pink with blue stripes on the shirt and a brown gypsy skirt with tan swirls on the bottom. And her hair is in a bun.

    PS i made her power soil and rocks. She likes perfection and so her sox arent floppy like everyone else's. Her wings are hot pink with brown and yellow dots. Her crown is purple and blue.

    I warned you...

  64. Lianna Is The #1 Amentia Fan IN THE UNIVERSE!July 15, 2009 at 10:52 AM

    Y do people hate amentia?

  65. Hi um i like winx and who is Roxy.

  66. Lianne Is The #1 Amentia Fan IN THE UNIVERSE!: "Nice headline, where did u learn it................. <= <, And Amentia is a wanna b princess"......

  67. I think the most improved is techna's, I mean, in season one and two she was like yuck! but now she as glam as the rest of them

  68. I read that the reason Roxy's outfit is so simple in comparison (hello!!! Hair-doo too!!! Why couldn't that change!?)is because the characters (and creaters) don't know that much of her powers (which is why Aisha's/Layla's winx outfit transformation didn't have as much detail as the others...)

  69. Well, it IS her first fairy form.

  70. I just want to say that I love this site!! I'm so glad I stumbled upon it!!

  71. Whoa! The time on thre is different to my time here! over here it's still july the 22nd and it only 9pm
    p.s I am the same person who posted above

  72. do any of u watch the rai englisha 1?Do u know when it is coming and y does musa break upp with riven?(they r perfect 4 each other)

  73. It's 'cause he was being a complete negative jerk ever sence they arived to Earth. He is up set just 'cause she is becoming more and more famouse for her singing

    (I'm the same person who commented about why Roxy's [and hair >-<] are so simple looking in comparison. LOOOOOVE this site!)

  74. Amentia rox what the heck

    *starts an amentia pep rally*

  75. To Devi: I watch the RAI English version, but depending on where you live you might not get the channel that it comes on

  76. Lianna Is The #1 Amentia Fan IN THE UNIVERSE!July 28, 2009 at 1:37 PM

    OMG Layla n Amentia that's so funny

    lol lol lol lol!

    *goes with Layla n Amentia*

  77. Still Doll PrincessJuly 29, 2009 at 9:51 AM

    I like Flora's

  78. Theres something poking out fom nder musa's chin (think it's her hair) and it looks like beard!

  79. What about the concert outfits?

  80. I've been wondering where I can see the Winx club concert outfits???? Guess I don't have to wait anymore.

  81. I know this has nothing to do with Winx Club, but does anyone here like RBD music?

  82. I <3 Rebelde!!!!!!!!!! First Anonymous, do you have any of their cds? i have tons!!!!!

  83. i think that musa is the best and i love her she so rockin hot and pretty and riven is so the one for her

  84. i <3 winx yay! when do you thinnk the 4kids version is going to come out?

  85. I honestly can't fathom how these outfits are a "step-up" from Enchantix. They don't even look like fairies anymore. They look like cheerleaders with plastic, fake wings attached. In Enchantix they looked like real, down to earth (No pun intended) fairies. And they looked WAY prettier.

  86. I think the Enchantix outfits were better too, not that I don't like these ones.





  88. I went to the fanfiction site and they have a lot of stories! I read one about how Icy wasn't always evil and she used to be a princess,etc. =)

  89. I read that one too!! It was really good!

  90. i love the winx they rock! all the best winx!

  91. I loved that story too!! But I couldn't believe Daphne was so mean!

  92. WHY COULDN'T THEY STICK WITH ECHANTIX!?! :( or at least made it better somehow? Echantix was perfect just the way it was, why did Straffi have to ruin that?:(

  93. I agre,this outfits aren't so..glamourous. I mean compared to Entrantrix this is nothing.

  94. Yes, they aren't as glamourous as the Enchantix, but try to think positive. Maybe there's a reason why they are dressed this way, maybe they wanted to 'fit in' to Earth's citizens.
    Besides, if Believix was even more complicated than the Enchantix, I couldn't imagine the girls fighting in frilly outfits. It would be a nightmare.

    I think all of their Believixes(O.o) are very nice. Some people think that Roxy's is ugly, but I think quite the opposite ( though her hair stayed the same T-T).

  95. all of yah can suc balls cause all of da characters r pretty in season 1 2 and 3 including season 4. yea roxy is simple, but she looks like da rest of them...BEAUTIFUL!:)

  96. I think enchantix is way prettier :D

  97. If You Go To And Type In Layla Dance To Her Favorite Song Something Should Pop Up.

  98. belivewinx costume isn't so bad . if u think positive u will see its beauty ! how can i watch winx season 4 (rai english) in computer ?

  99. Isn't Winx Club Seasin Four Suppose To Come Out Today In English!!

  100. No... where did you hear that?

  101. I Heard It On One Of Their Websites And Wikipidia

  102. You can't really trust Wikipedia, but the 4th season continues this Monday (in Italian), which is exciting!

  103. I Like Layla's Outfit It Looks Perfect So What Are You Talking About You Don't Like It I Sure Like It

  104. When Does Season Four Come Out In English Then?!!

  105. Can You Please Find Out For Me When Winx Club Season Four Comes Out In English?!!

  106. The information hasn't been released...

  107. When Will It Be Released Then I Just Really Want To Know And Watch Winx Club Season Four In English Sorry If I Am Bugging

  108. I really don't know. I'll write it on the news page as soon as I find out, though.

  109. Ok Thank You Phoebe Your The Best Please Find Out Soon

  110. I can't wait, either :D

  111. Phoebe Whose Your Favorite Winx Club Not Including Roxy

  112. Stella. Haha, when I started this website, my screen name was Stella Solaria. Hence the "Ask Stella" page. I didn't want to change it to "Ask Phoebe", though.

  113. I really hope that their only able to use beleiveix on Earth, because it's really dull next to echantix. Maybe they'll start useing a form that is a an even more beautiful mix of beleivix and echantix?

  114. I Don't Think They Would Send Them To Earth If They Couldn't Use Their Beleivex So I Think They Can Use Their Belevix On Earth.

  115. Yeah i agree to.

  116. Believix, potere Winx
    Si ci credi di luce risplenderai (risplenderai)
    E ti transformerai
    Credici, Credici
    Believix, magia di Winx
    Dal tuo cuore un potere invincibile
    Sei magica, magica
    E ti transformerai!
    Believix, potere Winx
    Se ci credi di luce risplenderai
    E ti transformerai
    Credici, Credici
    Believix, magia di Winx
    È nel cuore un potere invincibile
    Siamo magiche, magiche
    La forza è dentro me!
    Siamo noi le magiche (Winx!)
    Believix, potere Winx
    Si ci credi di luce risplenderai
    E ti transformerai
    Credici, Credici
    Believix, magia di Winx
    Dal tuo cuore un potere invincibile
    Sei magica, magica
    E ti transformerai...e ti transformerai...e ti transformerai!
    Believix, potere Winx
    Se ci credi di luce risplenderai
    E ti transformerai
    Credici, Credici
    Believix, magia di Winx
    È nel cuore un potere invincibile
    Siamo magiche, magiche
    La forza è dentro me!
    Siamo noi le magiche (Winx!)

    Read more:
    Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

  117. i really like flora and stella's believix. They are so popular and cute in that costume and they are only my favourite characters

  118. I so LOVE Layla's believix even though I don't really like believixs because they look like dolls and enchantixs make them look more fairy like.Lol
    I draw way to many pictures of Layla in her believix. xD

  119. Really? You should send them in so I can post them on my site!!!!

  120. These are so CUTE! But sometimes I like the enchantix more, but other times I like the believix more.
    Bloom's believix is really cute, but what does pink and hearts have to do with the dragon fire? And they didn't do anything with Roxy's hair? I still like it. My favorite is Flora's, then Bloom, then possibly Roxy's... THEN Musa's, Stella's, Layla's then Tecna. But all of them look pretty awesome in this new look! BUT they also forget on the cartoon Roxy's paw prints and gems on her wings, and make Bloom's wings fancier, so I'm like, THAT IS SOOO NOT FAIR TO POOR ROXY, AND SHE IS AWESOME!!(sorry I lush animals, mostly kitties) Crud, I'm babbling. Eh, I'll shut up now! Go Roxy and Flora!! :)

  121. agree , what do pink hearts gotta do with dragon fire ? I like enchantix more than believix , believix is more of mixed colours .
    I like them in their own colour more than mixing each other colours in their outfit , kinda weird ....

  122. THANK YOU! SOMEONE SAYS PINK HEARTS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE DRDON FIRE! I know she has a gold heart barette, but sometimes I miss the cyan, yellow and stars... But her Believix is pretty cute.

  123. Wait a minute. If the girls have to blend in on Earth, won't it be hard to convince people that fairies exist if they are wearing tank tops, capris, boots and finger less gloves? Even if they do have wings, people will probably think they're fake.

  124. Why Was Layla Kicking A Soccer Ball I Don't Think She Should Be Kicking A Soccer Ball No One Else Is Kicking A Soccer Ball

  125. I change my mind. Bloom's Believix is a little weird looking on the SHOW. I like it here, but the show makes it look weird...especially her wing shape. I still don't like the Dragon Fire fairy having pink, cyan and hearts! Drives me crazy!! Back to my old ways!

  126. I like Bloom but she gets on my nerves sometimes.

  127. I agree. I understand why the first season was about her, but come ON. THREE seasons all about her? I totally agree. It is called WINX CLUB, not BLOOM. Each season should be about a different girl.

  128. I Think It Should Be About All Of Them That Would Be Better I Like All Of Them But Bloom Gets Annoying But I Still Watch The Show Its So Amazing The First Season Is Boreing To Me Thoe But Its Still Cool I Guess

  129. ok im a winx club layla fan ok i want be here for halloween any one know where to get one? 2. i love laylas outfit she's my fav[i know ive said that enfinnty times.] any way i love there out fits . i'll show u favs 1 to last

    6.stella [ shes so funny though]

    ok i know this is mean butthey put almost all their attetion on bloom why cant they change once in a whele [misspell.]

  130. ps when i said i want a be here on halloween i meant i wanna be layla with her belivix on halloween

  131. ps and the wig and power stuff ps i dd the last two coments im a fast writer im 9 btw.

  132. Layla's My Favorite Too Shes So Adventrous And She Has The Same Hair Color As Me Dark Brown

  133. I have dark brown hair too!

  134. layla said:

    ps when i said i want a be her on halloween i meant i wanna be layla with her believix on halloween

    Me too!!!!!!! Cool! I still need the shoes...

    Possibly Amentia next year...

  135. You gott a make it btw

  136. I like Tecna's. <3

  137. why do you hate her?

  138. Anonumous-Why do you keep saying you hate Roxy? What is so BAD about her?

  139. Becaus They Shouldn't Have Added Her She Has A Lot Of Bad Traits And Shes Stubborn

  140. Well, a lot of people are stubborn, it isn't always a bad thing! Haha, I'm really stubborn, and that doesn't make me a bad person! What are her other "bad" traits?

  141. Shes Not Kind Or Nice And I Never Said She Was A Bad Person Phoebe Gosh Why Are You So Mean

  142. Aww, I think she's cute and sweet. And I really don't know how I'm "mean", but whatever.

  143. bloom is really not meant to be the leader. i mean she was new right? why does the new girl the leader? anyone could replace bloom. like stella. she would be perfect. she's brave and pretty at the same time!

  144. hey anonymous i dont know which site i'm in but.....
    roxy is stubborn but she's nice . she help the winx
    and she's kind to animals .
    whatever just quit arguing.
    but i totaly argee with stella rocks ,i meant that anyone could takes bloom's place stella , musa or flora ,right? roxy is new and lake of experience . she has to learn from the winx.
    she would probably be as good as the winx after sometime and she will be able to lead the team.

    so what do u think phoebe ?C- or D+ mmm???


  145. hey, phoebe u really are the best ! u can answer so many people's questions . if i were u i'll die !

  146. Oh, thanks Brina... I think.

  147. My Fav character....
    7.Flora (she's too girly)

    i'm sick of flora b'cause she like want to be the leader of the winx and want to take off bloom's place...and she's like always the best winx outfit ever...and poor layla some of her winx outfit is worst (sophix and enchantix).....

  148. flora outfit is the little weird one because it's same like her power while the other winx outfit don't have the same style like their power....

  149. i still think flora is sweet just a little bit weak

  150. Its Not Nice To Say Whatever Phoebe And You Were Kind Of Mean

  151. "Whatever" meant that I agreed to disagree. I guess we have different opinions, and I'm not mean at all. Quite the contrary, I'm pretty nice :D

  152. i knew i would be the only guy here. My younger sister gets sick aalot, so whenever we go to the hospital, she would force me to watch Winx with her, and Iafter awhile i got to really like it. But i think I am the only guy in the world who likes them, so thats why i am happy i can post this as anonymous

  153. Nope! I met my friend Ian on here, and he likes Winx!

  154. Oh, I was about to say that, 'til I read your comment!

    Ian's so nice. NO I DON"T LIKE HIM LIKE <3. LIKE AS A FRIEND.

  155. LOL. Yeah, I understand. To me though Ian's like my brother, that's what I always say. And gamercatgirl is my sister :D

  156. what ? gamercatgirl is u'r sister . is it real or it was just like " friendship kind of thing"
    i sure hope u know what i'm talking about ...

  157. She's LIKE a sister to me. Sorry, the wording was bad there :D

  158. @ Pheobe: "whatever" is okay and not okay depending on how you say it. Sometimes it is rude but say it all the time
    @Anonymous: I agree. I hate Flo's believix. It's not that modern. I loved her Winx because it was so unique. In fact, I miss all of the Winx transformations. Sigh. I would really like to go back to season 1 and 2 (if Roxy were in it at least)

    Anyway, here are my favorites (Winx): 1) Tecna (hers is unique too) 2) Flora's 3) Stella's 4)Musa's 5) Layla's

    Here are my fav believix: 1)Bloom 2)Tecna 3)Musa 4)Layla 5)Stella

  159. i luv the believix but the enchantix shouldve been this season and believix last season because the enchantix seems more fairy the believix looks more like casual clothes with wings and long hair well not that casual but still

  160. When's season 4 comming in English? I'm DYING to see it! I saw a commercial for it and Roxy sounds sooo cute! But Bloom sounds that good or bad?

  161. very bad. she sounded kinda the same though.
    the commercial when bloom said "you must belive it, roxy."
    then roxy said "no, its not true."

  162. Sweet and Sour ForeverJuly 12, 2010 at 3:36 PM

    It already came out on BamjoGate's channel on youtube.

  163. Believix fan = Sweet and Sour ForeverJuly 12, 2010 at 6:06 PM

    Oops I meant BanjoGate.Plus i love believix.So much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Believix Forever

  164. Believix IS BETTER THAN EnchantixJuly 13, 2010 at 7:39 PM

    Give me a B-E-L-I-E-V-I-X what does that spell Believix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  165. Sweet and Sour ForeverJuly 23, 2010 at 9:45 PM

    Are you a cheerleader or did that just come out of you head as an idea.

  166. wait. does winx 4 come out in english on the banjogate thing? in it's ORIGINAL english?!?!?!?!

  167. Sweet and Sour ForeverJuly 24, 2010 at 1:23 PM


  168. guys i think that bloom is always showing off on her powers+ that its not always about flora flora is the best!!!!!!

  169. Believix IS BETTER THAN EnchantixJuly 28, 2010 at 8:45 PM

    @ Sweet and Sour Forever I just thought in my head.
    @ Anonymous I agree they should focus on other character's power.

  170. The #1 Amazing Flora FanJuly 31, 2010 at 5:04 PM

    Agreed hope they once show more Flora power.

  171. guys wich is the next transformation other then lovix whats next???

  172. hey sweet and sour forever.
    i went on the banjogate thingy, and it wasnt in english. it was in italian, with subtitles. and i gotta nother question. if winx is italian, why does it take place in gardenia. my dad said it was in LA, is that true?

  173. Banjogate has both Italian and English... just look at a few more of the videos, I'm sure you'll find them.
    And yeah, there is a Gardena in California. I'm serious! And the real place is called Gardena, not Gardenia. Close enough though, right? Haha!

  174. Sweet and Sour Forever Who loves living in Sunny So CalAugust 26, 2010 at 9:43 AM

    That is true except don't imagine it like in the series. But that is a real city I've been there a thousand times. But it really is different than the series made it look.


  176. Believix IS BETTER THAN EnchantixNovember 22, 2010 at 6:01 PM

    Believix still Rocks!

  177. Roxys Believix Is Best Quick Beatiful And Unique
    Roxy Roxy Roxy!

  178. Why does roxy have gigantic wings in her winx? Oh, forgot, she's the fairy princess....

  179. Keke B that's not her winx it's her belivix :)

  180. Roxy reaches Believix as her 1st she isn't as strong as the winx, and she still has enchantix, charmix, and winx forms to attain...

  181. Wow!! There are sooooo many comments on this one blog entry!!

  182. I think they kind of over did it on Stella's wings.

    If you think that I'm stupid, you're welcome to say so.

  183. This is Roxy's Winx not her Believix! This is pretty obvious since she doesn't have a Believix power (such as Strength of Life), can't activate her Tracix, Zoomix or Speedix wings, doesn't get her Sophix or Lovix and her attacks don't comprise of her signature symbol (Bloom's attacks contain hearts, Tecna's contain triangles, Layla's contain bubbles, Flora's contain leaves, Stella's contain stars and Musa's contain musical notes). Plus, in her transformation, the background doesn't change when she strikes her final pose whereas in Believix transformations, the background changes. Also, she her transformation is always shown separately in the end even if it is a group transformation. Her wings are large because this is a trait of Earth Fairies.

  184. I'm the same person who commented last. Guys, don't you think Stella's facial features change when she is in her Enchantix or Believix forms? Or is it her hairdo that alters her look?

  185. I'm the person above. Two more proofs: Roxy is never included in the shot in which the Winx strike their final poses together side by side (in which Stella and Tecna assume their Speedix poses) and only the Believix music plays during her transformation, not the Believix song.

  186. These outfits are totally cool so beautifun and colorful i like all the outfits but the most i like flora outfit beacuse i love flowers and be in nature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  187. Phoebe, could you please suggest me a dress-up game of Winx Club which is most fun (has the most outfits and all the fairies)?

  188. actually i was a huge anime fan like katekyo hitman reborn and ao no exorcist but dis is the first time i watch a cartoon was this wonderfull
    and i like bloom too!! xD

  189. hey its Roxy's winx not believix.
