
Monday, May 23, 2011

Season 4: Fancy


  1. Poor Roxy! Everyone looks posh but her! :(

  2. Stella looks so cute !
    Flora's dress looks like a lantern but cute !

  3. I like Stella's because it reminds me of a Stella doll that I have...

  4. I like Tecna's Stella's and Bloom's. I actually don't like Layla's this time! O.O

  5. They're all really cute, I think!

  6. LOVE Bloom's and Stella's! But WHY is Roxy left out on outfits EVERY time? Lazy people!

    To bad their great designers...:3

  7. I hope she does become a Winx so she gets these too!

  8. 2nd pic: Bloom's outfit and hairstyle is GORGEOUS! poor roxy though, she doesnt have a fancy outfit :(

  9. I'd wear Bloom's or Tecna's only, though!

  10. oh wow thats totally adorable!! i love bloom!!

  11. ii love blooms and stellas
    i love all of theirs. They are all so cute. I hope Roxys get more outfits instead of that cowboy outfit. xxx

  12. @Winx Whitney

    I have never heard of marshmellow pancakes but they sound GOOOOOOOD!

  13. lol thx! i say that alot!!


  14. Look at Aisha and Nabu... so innocent. Not knowing Nabu's gonna... you know. I can't say it. *Bursts into tears.*

  15. Aww poor Roxy. She's always wearing that outfit.

  16. My favorite outfits are:

    1- Bloom
    2- Stella
    3- Flora
    4- Tecna
    5- Musa
    6- Layla


  18. I liked te Stella's best, then Bloom's.

  19. I Love Layla's The Best

  20. Mine are:

    Roxy (I just like her normal outfit.)

  21. cute . whoever the designer is she/ he is mega ultra clever . i love flora 's outfits

  22. Is anyone on?

  23. My Story is here!!!!
    Tecnaology 101

    Who’s Tecna? Tecna wrote her name in the mirror mist and crossed it out. Then she wrote android instead. She saw the at least 25 times she’d done this and sighed. She wrote geek on the mirror and then nerd. “Tecna?” “Aieeee!” Tecna screamed. “Mom, I’m brushing my teeth!” “Sorry, Techy,” her mother, Hard-Drivia, replied. Tecna faced the mirror and wrote machine. Hard-Drivia quietly tiptoed out of the room.

    Hard-Drivia conversed with Tecna the next day. “Tecna, webpage, honey, we’ve just been trying to cheer you up. I made your favorite, cherry motor oil!” “I DON’T WANT IT!!!!” Tecna yelled. “I HATE BEING A ROBOTIC NERD! MOTOR OIL! WEBPAGE! JUST GIVE ME MILK AND DON’T CALL ME A WEBPAGE! CALL ME SWEETIE OR SOMETHING!!” Glug. “Aaaah, cherry motor oil,” Tecna’s dad, Logicalio XII said. “See, Daddy had it, webp—er, Tecna.” Tecna stomped out of the room.

    Tecna was now at school. Finally! Tecna twirled her bang around her index finger. I am illogical. I am illogical. I am illogical. I am illogical. I am illogical. QUIT IT! Tecna growled. “Sonia, stop telepathically transmitting your thoughts to me!!!!” NETTIE ROX! “Quit it, Nettie!” Tfhsdgifhio! Roxy smiled. “I haven’t gotten the hang of actual words yet…” Tecna frowned. “Roxy can’t mind-speak correctly yet. Only with Bloom so far.” “WHEEEEEEEE!” It was Bloom. “Oh no I say Bloom and she comes.” Bloom had just come from dance class and was doing split jumps all over the place. “That is illogical. Like ME!” Tecna screamed. “What’s up Tec?” Musa said, skateboarding into Tecna’s room. “Sweetie, yeah, what’s wrong?” Flora came in. ”Yo, T, wassup girlfriend?” Stella came in. “Am I fashionably late? I sure hope so!” Aisha-Layla walked in as well. Skylar, their newest former-vampire-turned-fairy friend walked in. She was a little timid when the Winx were around. She walked in with Amentia. Amentia acted like the most awesome girl ever and Skylar inched in slowly. “Amentia, why are you walking all model-esque like that?” “Because… trumpet please… I AM A MODEL!!!” Tecna and Musa sighed. “Great, sweetie!” Flora cheered. Just then, Amentia screamed. “YIKES! AAAAIIEEE!” Sonia exclaimed. Roxy glimpsed behind her. “Uh, guys… I see something. It’s… uh… green and yellow.” Tecna screeched. “Oh no, my systems have crashed. I need to reboot.” Tecna began rebooting while the rest of the Winx stood there.

  24. “Hi,” the thing said. It was a GIRL!!! “Wow! I love your eco-hair! It’s so long!” Flora exclaimed. Tecna cracked up. She loved it when Flora said something eco. It just made her laugh that her friend didn’t call herself a hippie. “I’m from New York City? Where am I, anyway?” Tecna gasped. “You’re from New York? As in The United States of America? As in EARTH?” Everyone was shocked. Only Nettie was calm. “Ok, girls, there must be a logical reason an Earth girl is here. She stumbled through a portal, probably. That one near the Empire State Building, perhaps.” “No,” the girl said. “I fell into this circular thing.” “Yo, that’s a portal,” Musa laughed. “What’s your name, anyway?” “Oh, it’s Reagan,” Reagan said, smiling. “I always forget to introduce myself. What are all your names?” “Yo, it’s Musa!” “My name is Tecna,” “Sonia,” “Neteca, but you can call me Nettie,” “Aisha-Layla but I prefer Layla,” “Skylar,” “Princess Stella of Solaria at your service,” “Princess Amentia of Downland at your—“ Stella covered Amentia’s mouth. “She copied me, sorry, she’s Amentia.” “I’m Roxy,” “Flora, YAY!” Reagan gasped. She started laughing. “What’s all hilarious that you’ve gotta get all giggle-me-timbers about?” Stella asked. “MY SKIRRRRRRRRT!” Amentia screamed in disgust. “SPONSUS LEFT HIS HAIR GEL ON MY SKIRRRRRRT!” Everyone laughed, except Tecna, of course. She was as somber and logical as ever. “Okay, so, where am I?” Reagan asked. “You’re in Magix, home of stores that are fit for a queen,” Stella smiled. “Yo, and the best tunes ever to hit the realms! Besides Melody, anyway,” Musa exclaimed. “Stella forgot the makeup. It’s da bomb, dawgs!” Amentia nearly screamed. Tecna and Layla gasped. “You watch American Idol? It’s a primitive show from Earth!” Tecna gasped. “Yeah,” Layla said. “Dancing with the Stars is way better.” And the day went on.

    “Ok, Reagan, this is Zenith Tech. You can stay here.” Tecna smiled. “Ta-da!” “Oh my GOSH! OH MY GOSH! This is REALLY so much better then my colleges at home! I have never seen this before!” Amentia glanced at Sonia and the girls giggled. Stella looked at them, confused. “She’s excited about school, Stella!” Amentia stage-whispered, just quiet enough so that Tecna and Reagan couldn’t hear. The girls quietly stepped into Tecna’s single dorm. “Oh… my… gosh, this ROCKS!” Reagan yelled. Tecna was confused. After all, it was only a dorm room, to her. But to Reagan, it was the most futuristic thing she had ever seen! Her eyes glittered with excitement. Oh my gosh, look at that computer! It’s so… futuristic! The Computer of the Future, Today!” Reag, stop staring,” Stella said. “It’s a dorm. You are as bad as Tecna! Staring at that laptop like you’re from, like, 1288 or something!” “Give it a rest, Stella, she’s primitive,” Tecna said. Bloom smiled at Reagan. “Yeah, that bothered me too, at first,” she said. “You should have seen her with a mop and bucket! She insulted my phone, too. Then she got me a new one.” “I guess the second part was nice of her,” Reagan said. “Yeah, and now I can call Martians!” Bloom laughed. Reagan stopped laughing. She noticed something odd about the bookshelf. There weren’t any books! There were four laptops, an external hard drive, and some statuettes, but NO BOOKS! “Um, Tecna, there’s no books on your bookshelf.” Tecna looked confused. “What um, book shelf?” she asked. “That’s a computershelf. Why would I put books on it? I did that at Alfea for my textbooks but that was because Musa did the same. In Zenith, we have computershelves, not bookshelves.” Now it was Reagan’s turn to look confused. “Don’t fret, dear,” Flora said. “You will get used to her, eventually.”

  25. Did you like it? I liked the other one better but whatever to MY opinion.

  26. And don't ask me why I posted it on here!

  27. Wow! The mind-speak thing didn't make a lot of sense, though.

  28. Hehe, I have a #1 fan? *Hugs fan*

  29. OMG I CAN HARDLY TALK THERE IS A ROXY FAIRY ARTICLE IN ENGLISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. Bloom looks Beautiful
    Stella Looks Gorgeous
    Tecna Looks Nice
    Flora Looks Cute
    Muasa Looks Sazzy
    Layla Looks Pretty
    And Roxy they should of created an outfit

  31. hey layla n amentia , u rocks !!!!
    about the outfits they schuld create one for roxy . poor thing .

    this is my fav:

    1. stella

    i like roxy too... but in this scene she dosen't have an outfit...++(

    i hope she has cool outfits :(::

  32. Well I drew her fancy outfit for season 6 (I wish Amentia comes in season 6 and joins but it's not gonna happen) so I draw season 6 instead of 5. But it isn't saved to my computer. :(

  33. i love flora in this outfit
    she's so beautiful

  34. Okay,I haven't been here forever! What's happening?

  35. em... er...
    ask ...


  36. FloraRocks!!!!! *Runs to in slo-mo*

  37. Layla n Amentia! I missed you! How have ya been! You to Phoebe! : )

  38. Good, except for I go to a new private middle school now and there is an evil math teacher.

    Also, new Roxy pics. Just for kicks. (Thanks, Ivan Kuzin!):

    The last 3 actually ARE slightly different. Just a bit.

  39. Ahh! These outfits are so x 1000000000 cute!!!!!! But why does Roxy always get left out? It doesn't make any sense. The story about Tecna: Why is she a robot? She's a human being for crying out loud!

  40. She's PART robot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  41. Errrr... yeah. She's half android and half fairy. She wouldn't be a human anyway, even without robotic parts. WHICH SHE HAS WHY ELSE WOULD SHE HAVE A DIGITAL MAP IN HER HAND!!!!!

  42. Oh. Well. The hand map kinda does explain it...

  43. She's a fairy, not a human!

  44. oh, i see
    thank you very very much. :)

  45. wait fairys are humans with powers oh nevermind they said PEOPLE not HUMANS like humans and fairies and witches and wizards all peoplw not humans nm!

  46. Stella's outfit is the most beautiful.

  47. I really love the Stella's outfit and this time I don't actually like Flora's, it's kind of.. don't know, but it's okay.

  48. Wow everyone loves Stella's outfit...I think it's hideous lol

  49. Stella's is too frilly and mini for my liking. If it's more than 5 inches above the knee, no thanks. I would wear Tecna's, though. I know it's short, but it's Rrrrrreeaaalllyyy cute! Ditto to Bloom's!!

  50. Layla n Amentia :)April 1, 2010 at 2:36 PM

    Oh my god, my comment didn't post.

    Or did it...? It sometimes does randomly.

  51. Maybe Tenca could use better shoes but it looks so fab and Musa's looks fab too!

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  54. MAN just look at laylas hair its has soooooo.......... MUCh volume here but in the movie she has straight hair(2nd movie)weird.
    NBTW y is Riven having sooooooo many layers of clothing? three minimum.

    N yes Stella DOES look CUUUUUUUTE N I loooooove Musas hair <3 <3 <3 <3

  55. winx club lover 4 ever(Sweet and Sour Forever)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!July 12, 2010 at 11:51 AM

    Layla's looks like a pajama to me and i love Blooms hair looks like her enchantix hair.But especially love Stella's dress.

  56. okay, in my opinion, tecnas, laylas and floras are hideous! in that order. tecnas colors are too barney, and her dress is ugly and plain. secondly, for the person who was hoping amentia would be in season 6, do you mean the queen amentia from season 2 that wanted to marry brandon?

  57. Love Stella's and Tecna's dresses, but it's not that I'd wear them, it just fits them and makes them looking gorgeous.

  58. I don't like stella's cause her boob is hanging out, bloom and musas look like theyre gonna show everything past the point of no return, laylas is to frilly for her but other than that pretty, floras looks goofy to me, and tecnas is pretty but not really her style. that's my openion.

  59. stella's boob isn't hanging out. (it looks like it though) the fabric in her dress is just the same color as her skin. but y' know, its winx club... they always dress trashy.

  60. The designers have never been unfair to Roxy in the case of outfits. It wouldn't make sense to give her a date outfit when she doesn't have a boyfriend.


  62. Why does Stella always get the prettiest clothes and hair styles why wouldn't it be Bloom!! Every time stella need to be the most beautiful outfit!!!! I hate it

  63. It all depends on personal opinion... Yeah, I think Stella's dress here is prettiest. But with, say, the raincoats, I think Flora has the best one. And could you really imagine Bloom in Stella's dress? Bloom's dress looks best on Bloom, and I think that's all that matters. ;)

  64. why r here not the real haircuts ?!
    Phoebe I love this blog ssssuper

  65. bloom and stella have really long hair in pic 1

  66. I like Tecna's and Flora's
    Can anyone put them big?

  67. Please put Tecna's and Flora's dress bigggg :(

  68. Which dress-up game is this?

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